Saturday, May 19, 2007


Everyday, every moment, you are going through change. Some are noticeable and others too subtle until they appear obvious to you. I have been off going through many changes. I have stopped running for a while and picked up soccer or better know as football to others. It has been quite some time since I last did the lateral movements chasing and guarding an inflated leather ball. The motion hurt, in a good way, and I realized how much I have lost. I plan on continuing playing for the rest of the summer and then getting back to my slow jogs to reacclimatize my body to running.

Change got me thinking about some inevitable facts of life:

U will
  1. be born;

  2. be taxed;

  3. be in pain;

  4. go through ranges of human emotions (some of which may surprise U);

  5. need drugs (legal or illegal);

  6. vomit;

  7. sleep less as you age;

  8. change physically;

  9. travel; and

  10. die.

Obviously, the list is endless and these are the top 10 from my head at this hour.

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