Friday, May 4, 2007

Free traveller?

What do you do after you accomplish a goal? Reward yourself and savour the moment of glory. I have been on a journey (which continues for the author - see the insert photo) to Mysore, India and beyond the white sands of paradise beach on Mykonos, Greece. Of course, this was all done on my way to work and back. I also did make some stops in Europe before lumbering into bed at 10:00 p.m. every night for the last week. Someone told me that the cover of Hester's book resembles the cover of one of the Indiana Jones movie covers. I haven't watched any of the Indiana Jones series so I couldn't tell you if they did. I digress. Well, in a way, Hester does have his own adventures just like Indiana Jones although his adventures are more in the present than some pre-dated time. I enjoyed the book and if you are a fan of travel writing, I would recommend that you pick it up.

As for training, it has been a slow lumbering week. 00:30:00 minutes has been all I could muster every day for the past three days. Although in the spirit of adventure, I managed to locate a new network of trails on one of my runs that take me straight to Cedar Hill Golf Course in 00:10:00, and I am delighted to have found this new route. What is also pleasant is that the route takes me past Playfair Park where I can do some mediation as I ran through the fields of spring blossom. I think I will ran this new route once a week as it provides a challenging variety of terrain - from undulating roads to undulating soft trails where I can smell the arrival of spring and hear the songs of stealth birds buried among the bushes.

1 comment:

Chris said...


In regards to your 'Tardy' post, which contains a portrait of the character, 'Bugs', who I absolutely admired as a child. I'd suggest WAUF is asked out of genuine interest; clearly not asked with the remotest concern as to what your reaction internally or externally just may be. People want to welcome you. They want to insert themselves into your life, as your 'by proxy' Personal Welcome Wagon - acronym is PoWoW.

Back to Bugs...I admired him for his ability to go up and kiss Yosemite Sam on the lips, something I could never do. Bugs seemed 'light in the loafers', yet fancied Lola Bunny. So I was wholly secure in cheering for him however, when Yosemite hammered his faithful horse on the head, exclaiming, "when I say wow, I mean wow" and bending his rifle into the shape of the horses face, I felt an affinity for him too.

Nothing like a little physical comedy.

Now Victoria is a VERY Anglo Saxon city, yet does have it's own black history, including black history week, as I am sure you very well know.
Now my father for dozens of years (not decades) was with a lady from Trinadad and Tobago. She was (and still is, last time we hugged) black. Mostly she was asked (accent-thing) when she had come from Jamaica. This drives her nuts to this day. Well she likes Jamaicans and all that, but she wishes, that people would ask her where she is from, so she isn't mistaken as a Jamaican. Just like I feel a sense of despair (but only slightly) when I am an assumed American. Immediatly I want to pull out their gun and sho...never mind.

Anyway, when I first met her, I was 8 she was fascinated by my straight hair (actually it is curly, but loopy, like Frodo's) anwyway I asked her where she was from and she had the biggest smile light us up, I nearly ran away. She said Trinidad and Tobago and I immediatly, pulled out my NHL Hockey book and together we sat on the couch trying to figure out if Willie O’Ree (first black NHLer in the 1950's) was from Trinidad. She liked me from that day on for caring and I still like her except when she out dances me to Earth Wind & Fire (I'm 41 which explains the era).

Turns out Willie was from the US somewhere.

Now if you enter Oak Bay, ask someone with a British accent (which is everyone) where they are from. They will very proudly puff themsleves up and tell you something like, "Coventry nearest the mill of Ipswitch Way, over the hill and all about the dale...blah blah blah.