Saturday, September 5, 2009

New territory

I felt and was slow. The champ and Michael showed me their heels as they slowly wound up the pace. I reigned myself in after 4 x 5 mins with 1 minute off. I was falling off the pace and I felt like the turtle in the group. Maybe in a couple of weeks I can feel like the hare and stay close to them but its too easy to get distracted with where I can be in a few weeks. For now, I am glad to have done the first workout at a pace that I know was decent. The champ had a killer workout and I kept him company for a minute in his last two sets. I was struggling but it was nice to round off the workout with some quick turnover. Michael did his own workout and kept the champ honest. He lead us on the first set and we were moving. It was good to run in a new location and having the company of two fit athletes. Tomorrow, I will be out for an hour of easy jogging to see how the body feels after today's effort.

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